Con teaches at Moore Theological
College in Sydney. Prior to entering Christian ministry, Con trained and
performed as a professional jazz musician. He continues to play jazz
regularly in professional settings, and has been performing and speaking
at evangelistic jazz nights for several years now.
Con studied jazz performance at The Canberra School of Music, ANU. H Con has performed at The Monterey Jazz Festival (USA),
The Wangarratta Jazz Festival, The Australian Jazz Festival, The Manly
Jazz Festival, The Basement, and Soup Plus, among other notable venues
and locations. He has performed for the Sydney Improvised Music
Association (SIMA) and Jazzgroove, and has performed in bands with James
Morrison, Don Burrows, John Morrison, The Idea of North, among many other
wonderful musicians. Besides appearing on various recordings, Con also performed
on and co-produced the album, "The Gospel According to Groove", with James
and John Morrison, Vanetta Fields, and The Idea of North. His latest
album, Freedom in the Groove, has just been released and features Evelyn
Duprai and a 30-piece gospel choir.
Jazz Evangelism
Since 1999, Con has combined his two passions of evangelism and jazz
music by performing and speaking at several evangelistic jazz concerts
for churches, university groups, schools, and festivals. These concerts
have enabled the clear presentation of the gospel within a natural jazz
setting. For more on Con's approach to Jazz Evangelism visit
The Gospel According To Groove

Friday Night Prayer Meeting
Sons Of Zebedee
Freedom In The Groove
To hear samples or
purchase this CD visit: |