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We are the generation that can end hunger.
It's true. There's enough food for everyone on the planet. The
challenge before us is to give people access to this food and the means to buy
Meeting this challenge begins with you. When you become more
aware about how your behaviors and your choices as a consumer affect the rest of
the world, you're on your way to leaving a legacy of ending hunger and poverty.
At Heifer, we have several ways to teach adults about the
realities of hunger and poverty; and about our ability to end it:
Heifer University
"Pass on the Gift" of Heifer International's
mission - gain the tools and knowledge you need to promote this wonderful
organization in your community
Heifer Study Tours
— Travel
with a Purpose to Heifer's projects around the world.
World Ark Magazine
Bi-monthly issues featuring
articles by leading hunger and poverty experts. |
Songs of David is a website that promotes unique, creative, and
innovative music.
Our website is
divided into two categories - jazz and worship music.
Jazz is
offered in many flavors.
Worship music covers variety of styles.
We celebrate the wonder, joy, and diversity of music! Music is a gift to be
thankful for and our website reflects that persuasion. We also explore the
mystery of the spiritual connection between the Creator, creativity, and
is an artist and the universe is God's work of art" -
We place a very large emphasis
on enjoying music as a gift - to the glory of God! Since all
men and women are created in God's image we therefore reflect His image in
this most significant way - creativity flows from the Creator to us and
through us! We believe that God wants us all to enjoy our gifts as well as
our time here - "enjoy the ride". So celebrate today and savor the music!
Here at Songs Of David it's not about hype... it's all about the music.
The French composer
Claude Debussy put it this way when speaking about listening to music "There is no
theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the only law."
1) Beware of endorsements by others when buying
music. After all, they only represent the personal knowledge, tastes, and
understanding of one individual!
2) Remember, CD's receiving the most
airplay and press are not necessarily the best music! Press and airplay have
been for the most part controlled by the large record labels cash. Some of
the very best music doesn't get publicized! Just because millions bought it
doesn't make it great music either. I heard a saying that is most
appropriate here, " Eat a bowl of cow manure...six-million flies can't be
3) Let your ears be the sole and final judge when purchasing CD's! If you
really like what you hear then buy it and enjoy it!
We also put a heavy emphasis on the joy of learning music so you will find a
wealth of music education as well. Songs Of David seeks out talented artists that have something fresh and
innovative to offer their listening public. We always point and give credit to
the source of all creativity and give God the glory for everything! |
We support and contribute
to Heifer International!
Heifer has a vision and goal for our planet...ending hunger
around the entire world and saving the earth in the process! Can you envision
a world without hunger? Heifer does and has a game plan to make it happen!
“These children don’t need a cup, they
need a cow.”- Dan West, Founder
Heifer envisions…
A world of communities living together in peace and
equitably sharing the resources of a healthy planet.
Heifer’s mission is…
To work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth.
Heifer's strategy
To “pass on the gift.” As people share their
animals’ offspring with others – along with their knowledge, resources, and
skills – an expanding network of hope, dignity, and self-reliance is created
that reaches around the globe.
Heifer’s History
This simple idea of giving families a source of food rather than short-term
relief caught on and has continued for over 60 years. Today, millions of
families in 128 countries have been given the gifts of self-reliance and hope.
Read more about Heifer’s History
>> here!
The Christian Jazz Artists Network
is a network/community to promote Christian Jazz Artists, their music, and their
faith. There are thousands of people who love and support Christians who play jazz ...more info
Subscribe to the CJA Newsletter!
To preview a CJA Newsletter!
We have great
resources for using Jazz into the sanctuary, vespers, and worship services! Charts for your
praise band, praise team, and vocal/piano scores.
Christian Jazz Charts here!
Jazz Educational Resources
Jazz Yer Blues
Midi Files
Keyboard Instruction
Jazz Ed Material
Clinics & Workshops
Printed Sheet Music
Printed Choral Music
Printed Worship Music
Split -Trax &
Sound Tracks
Midi Files
Keyboard Instruction

Honor your friends and loved ones with
meaningful gifts that really make a difference. Give the life-changing gift of a
Heifer International animal. Gifts of animals, trees and other
resources from Heifer bring with them a world of opportunity and
the promise of a better life for struggling families around the globe.
"Heifer … offers a warm, fuzzy gift list that
keeps on giving … when you give an animal to a family, you don't have to lie
awake at night and think, 'Okay, I fed them, but what will happen tomorrow?'" —
San Diego Union Tribune
"The idea behind Heifer … is similar to the
notion that it's better to teach a man to fish so he can feed himself than to
give him a fish that will feed him just once. One animal could eventually
benefit an entire community." — Associated Press
"Heifer is still working . . . long after other aid organizations
have left." — The Christian Science Monitor
"Heifer International has the ultimate gift idea: life itself." — Sacramento Bee